Loremaster: And in the whole of that kingdom, there was none wiser…

January 3, 2010 at 2:25 pm | Posted in Characters, Loremaster, Loremistress Luzara, Luzara, Preparing for Cataclysm | Leave a comment

So that’s three continents down, and one to go!

For Luzara, these must have been heartbreaking weeks. Draenor was, after all, the world on which she was born, the world that was a haven for her people after millennia of fleeing from the Burning Legion. Then the demons found it, and first corrupted the orcs into a race of literally blood-thirsty killers, then incited its literal destruction thanks to power unleashed by the greatest of their dark shaman/warlocks. The druids of the Earthen Ring and some others do what they can to protect what remains, but it’s not like anyone’s going to be reassembling the shattered planet anytime soon.

For now, though, Luzara can leave the reclamation, exploration, and revenge to others, and turn her attention to the continent of Northrend in the world of Azeroth, where it is not yet too late.

A few select moments of her recent adventures follow.

Doing some good with the Earthen Ring. Luzara went to the smoldering fields at the north end of Blade’s Edge Mountains, and planted some specially prepared seeds with remarkable results:



While in the area, she also helped the Sha’tari Skyguard keep up their stock of unique flying mounts:


She surveyed the wreckage that is Netherstorm:


And brought some comfort to some very domestic ghosts:


She revisited Tempest Keep that had been her people’s home for so long, and destroyed at least a few of the intruders now desecrating it:



In Shadowmoon Valley, where the warlord and fool Illidan rules his wretched empire, she got to speak directly to the elemental spirits of the region, and bring them some relief:


She confronted and triumphed over the strongest forces Illidan lets outside his Black Temple, right under his scrying gaze, and became known to him as a threat:


And now others will carry on the work of Shattrath City:


As for myself, I’ve really enjoyed finishing up quest chains I never did, seeing some of the champion fights I only ever heard and read about. Felt very good. I’m looking forward to rounding out the collecting of quests in the weeks to come.

Meanwhile, back at Loremaster

December 25, 2009 at 7:58 am | Posted in Loremaster, Loremistress Luzara, Luzara | Leave a comment

In my quiet weeks, I did continue working away at this, and celebrated Christmas in part this way:

Loremaster of the Eastern Kingdoms

So that’s the Old World as it was known to us before Burning Crusade taken care of. Still to do, Outland and Northrend. Let’s see…


Hellfire Peninsula. 80 quests. Complete.

• Zangarmarsh. 54 quests. Complete.

• Terokkar Forest. 63 quests. Complete.

• Nagrand. 75 quests. Complete.

• Blade’s Edge Mountains. 86 quests. 39 done.

• Netherstorm. 120 quests. 52 done.

• Shadowmoon Valley. 90 quests. 11 done.


Borean Tundra. 130 quests. 17 done.

• Howling Fjord. 130 quests. 76 done.

• Dragonblight. 115 quests. 26 done.

• Grizzly Hills. 85 quests. 0 done.

• Zul’drak. 100 quests. 18 done.

• Sholazar Basin. 75 quests. 4 done.

• Storm Peaks. 100 quests. 57 done.

• Icecrown. 140 quests. 45 done.

The Northrend total makes me look like more of a slacker with Luzara than I’ve actually been. But quest tallies aren’t always accurately preserved during faction changes, and since she’s had two of them, that’s double the opportunity for data not to get converted properly. In any event, most of this won’t be a major hardship, and when I get to the point of needing help with the group quests in Icecrown, help will be available.

I haven’t any idea how long it will take to finish the newer continents. We’ll see, I guess!

We achievement when it’s achievement-engine time

December 6, 2009 at 10:41 am | Posted in Loremaster, Loremistress Luzara, Luzara | Leave a comment

I’m in a good position with Luzara right now. She really is the only character I’m playing—it’s been several weeks now since I logged into anyone else except to check mail—and things that take accumulated time and effort are getting it. Let’s see what I’ve got here in my screenshot folder…

That’s 700 quests done in the western continent. It includes all the quests available to Alliance shamans in most of the zones, a lot of dungeon-crawling, and nearly all of the quests in the remaining zones. I believe that there are a few left in Winterspring and I know there’s a fair amount left in Silithus, tied up with Ahn’Qiraj and the silithid invasion. I’m working on those now in fact, for the sake of Cenarion Circle and Brood of Nozdormu reputation and just because I can and never got to see a bunch of this stuff earlier. But basically I’ve swept the continent.

It’ll be a while yet before I get the other three Loremaster achievements (Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, and Northrend). One neat thing is that it turns out a bunch of my guildmates in Pig & Whistle Society are also doing Loremaster work, so we do a lot of trading advice and help. Very comfortable-feeling.

This one came not long after that one up above. 700 quests here, 401 quests there, it all adds up.

Four factions in Northrend award reputation when your character wears their tabard in level 80 5-person dungeons: the Argent Crusade, the Knights of the Ebon Blade, the Kirin Tor, and the Wyrmrest Accord. A bout of dungeon-crawling last night got me all the way up to exalted with the last of them. No more tabard-wearing for Luzara for a while. That’s 14 factions she’s exalted with now, and Cenarion Circle is coming along well, so the achievement for 15 exalted reputations should hit this week.

I am having fun.

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